Utility Program Design and Delivery

We Design and Deliver Effective Utility Programs

Willdan is a national authority in energy efficiency, distributed energy resources, and electric grid resiliency. We have helped more than 90 electric utilities in the past 30 years and administered over 100 programs.  We specialize in new construction, direct install programs for existing facilities, and targeted load relief. We design, implement, and report energy savings through exceptional program administration, sales and outreach, and data management.

Our team’s hands-on experience includes designing and implementing power systems for storage, hybrid power, cogeneration, combined heat and power, and renewables such as solar PV, wind, and fuel cells. We develop advanced analytics software that intelligently determines what resources you need, when, and where.

Our mature programs have achieved:

Markets piechart


market penetration

Cost savings


energy cost savings

savings realized


design savings realized