Local Capacity Procurement Program

Local Capacity Procurement Program, SDGE

Qualifying building owners can receive increased financial incentives, based on electrical capacity savings, to upgrade and improve mechanical systems.

The Local Capacity Procurement Program (LCPP) helps address the complex challenges facing many building owners, such as minimizing energy consumption and reducing energy while maintaining tenant comfort and maximizing net operating income. The Program offers cash incentives to commercial building owners for HVAC system improvements.

See flyer for a complete list of eligible measures.

Download Flyer

What type of building owners would benefit?

  • All leased or rented commercial facilities
  • Owner occupied commercial facilities used for: Banking, Insurance, Retail Merchandising; Information Services and Telecommunications Services
  • Establishments performing routine support for day-to-day operations of organizations


  • The LCPP Owner Incentive Agreement must be executed prior to the installation of any equipment.
  • Projects must remain operational and verifiable by Willdan and SDG&E through 2023.
  • Facility must be in SDG&E service territory.
  • Minimum building size is approximately 40,000 ft2
