Market Price Forecasting

Market Price Forecasting

Customized, Value-added Market Analysis for Your Strategic Decisions

A real-time, 360-degree view of the changing energy landscape is critical to accurate market price forecasts. Our 2019 acquisition of Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3) added this insight and bolstered our forecasting capabilities and evidence-based, analytical consulting. E3 works closely with project development and investment teams to provide a customized, value-added market analysis that informs clients’ most important strategic decisions.

Market Price Forecasts

E3 recently launched a new e-commerce site for market price forecasts so customers can easily purchase and download E3’s latest forecasts, including market summary reports, input assumption books, and detailed hourly price projections.

Key asset valuation and market price forecasting services:

  • Tailored market price projections that incorporate policy and technology impacts
  • Revenue stream/benefits analysis for an individual asset or portfolio
  • Production simulation cost modeling with in-house, proprietary tools or customized, commercial software
  • Buy-side and sell-side due diligence support
  • Project site evaluation
  • Offtaker assessments
  • Basis spread assessment
  • Wholesale market rules and bidding strategies
  • Debt service coverage assessment