
healthcare market

Willdan Understands Healthcare Facilities

Willdan has supported facility enhancements and energy-efficiency projects at over 600 healthcare facilities, including nationally-recognized healthcare campuses, academic hospitals, Veterans Affairs medical centers, senior care facilities, and small out-patient clinics.

We understand that healthcare facilities require 24/7 operations. Equipment downtime or a prolonged loss of power could mean the difference between life and death. We will help your facility plan for disasters and other contingencies, run trainings and exercises, and implement energy solutions such as microgrids, battery storage, generators that run on renewables, and more.

Highlighted Projects

The following projects showcase Willdan’s experience with healthcare facilities:

NYU Energy Retro-Commissioning Project

New York University Hospital for Joint Diseases

Energy Retro-Commissioning Project

The New York University (NYU) Hospital for Joint Diseases is among the nation’s top 10 hospitals for orthopedics and rheumatology services. Willdan engineers performed an energy analysis of the site to determine how to increase the efficiency of facility operations. They developed and oversaw phased projects – including the installation of high-efficiency technologies, upgrades to HVAC equipment, and more efficient start-up sequences – to improve the hospital’s efficiency without disrupting the 24/7 operations. NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases saved nearly $1 million in energy and operations in the first year after project completion – $966,289 in energy savings, $80,407 in water savings, and $10,400 in operations and maintenance costs.

Kaiser Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Kaiser Permanente Otay Mesa - San Diego, CA

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Willdan performed an energy audit on Kaiser Permanente Otay Mesa’s campus, identified potential energy-saving projects, provided technical advice on scopes, and handled utility rebate and incentive paperwork to help fund proposed projects.

As a direct result of Willdan’s expertise and assistance, Kaiser Permanente Otay Mesa was awarded the 2015 SDG&E Champion in Healthcare Award: SDG&E video.

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