APWA, Southern California, awarded Coyote Creek Park in the City of Los Alamitos with a B.E.S.T. award in the Recreation and Athletics Facilities category for 2015. The project beautifies a barren utility corridor by creating a passive greenway park using drought-resistant native plants of significant ecological value to attract wildlife and restore the natural habitat. This cost-effective project united the city, local utilities and government, environmental organizations, and the community in a common goal.
Funded through a $1.5M grant from the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy through Proposition 50, the park is irrigated with recycled water and borders the regional bike trail. Plant and historical interpretive signs were installed along the park walking path highlighting notable historical events, areas of cultural significance, and facts about native wildlife.
Pictured at the SoCal APWA awards ceremony are City of Alamitos staff. On the right is Dave Hunt of Willdan, prime consultant on the project.