Recommendations for Emergency Operations Centers in Disaster Recovery Journal: Jim Bailey, Willdan Homeland Solutions

Dec 9, 2014 | Presentations

Disaster Recovery Journal is featuring an on-line exclusive article which presents in down-to-earth terms where Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) are often falling short in their critical role as information coordination centers, and what can be done to solve the problem. The straight-talking approach of “Changing the Course for EOCs: Translating Knowledge into Action” benefits from the boots-on-the-ground experience of its co-authors, James Bailey and Chris Bausch.

James Bailey is Willdan Homeland Solutions president and CEO. He is also a retired Marine Corps intelligence officer with 20 years of military experience. Bailey created a Situational Awareness and Common Operating Picture training course with Red Team Intelligence president and CEO Chris Bausch, who is also a retired Marine Corps intelligence officer with 20 years of military experience.

The article, published on December 4, 2014, draws from the experience of the City of Los Angeles EOP and other real-world examples.