Snohomish County Energy Efficiency Programs Reach New Audiences

Sep 6, 2013 | Project News

The Public Utility District (PUD) of Snohomish County, Washington, released figures showing the resounding success of its Community Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP) on August 27, 2013. In just six months, 4,400 multi-family residences and 1,000 small businesses, typically hard to reach markets, signed on to the program, collectively saving 6.4 million kilowatt hours of electricity, or $485,000, annually.

Willdan Energy Solutions’ Bothell, Washington, office, implemented the small business portion of the program, which contributed 4.9 million kWh of the annual savings. Willdan performed outreach to small businesses and initial energy assessments, followed by a range of measures, including installation of LED and compact fluorescent lighting, faucet aerators and smart strips.

The program was made possible in part with a $2.6 million award from the state’s CEEP initiative.

See PUD’s webpage for Small Business Direct Install. Click here for PUD’s complete press release.