Elk Grove's Longleaf Bridge is 2013 Project of the Year - Environmental

Aug 21, 2013 | Project News

The American Public Works Association, Sacramento Chapter, presented its 2013 Project of the Year - Environmental, Large Agency award to the City of Elk Grove's Longleaf Drive Bridge. Willdan Engineering's Elk Grove office provided Program and Construction Management for the new bridge and road extension project.

Elk Grove Creek and surrounding lands provide habitat for many plant and animal species, including the threatened Giant Garter Snake and Swainson Hawk, and Western Pond Turtles. Construction was not permitted to begin until May 1, the official date that the Giant Garter Snake enters its "active season". In addition, bridge design, construction and staging areas, and construction materials were considerably adjusted to minimize habitat impact.

In the face of these constraints, excellent project management and stakeholder coordination kept the project on target for an accelerated schedule to hit an occupancy milestone for the new California Correctional Health Care Services offices across the creek, which employ 1,400 workers, many of them Elk Grove residents.